Friday, August 20, 2010


Why do i still care? O Why dont you care anymore?
Why do i still answer you calls? O Why do you still call me if u dont want me?
Why do i still love to hear your voice? O Why do you say the meanest shit to me?
Why do i still want u to be my 1 and only? O Why cant u be happy with the 1 you have?
Why do i still feel like its my fault? O why do you still keep blaming me?
Why do i still reach for ur hand and tummy? O Why do u give me knuckle and back?

Why O Why do i feel these ways? O Why O Why do i still choose to stay?

~~~~SN: for those who didnt get it. i reach for her cause we facing each other so i hold her hand and caress her waist and tummy... but on her end her back is turned so i grab the back of her hand or knuckles and her back or butt...~~~~

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