Monday, August 2, 2010

Love sick

Love sickness is just like the common cold, u cant get rid of it once you got it. When you under the weather of love, every situation is magnified and rational decisions can never be made. The wrong choice seems to follow you around and your making no progress to dump your heavy burden. A black rain cloud seems to be following me around, raining down my face masking the tears and sadness. I hold my head down cause im afraid of the hurricane that is coming next, even tho i been taking all the lightning strikes on the chin this far. But this last storm hit home, it hit hard and hit deep. Took me totally by surprise and went directly to my soft spot. Left a mark that may never heal, but the bruise will always remind me of that pain. But the funny part is..... that i will probably walk down that same road, thru the same storm, with a metal pole hoping to take a different path for a better outcome. Does this make me a fool or is it faith? Does this make me a addict to stress, the drama, the pain, or maybe i just love the way it hurts, could it just be test of wills or simple be me being in denial or over a lost cause.

So.... am i actually so in love that im sick... or should i be sick or this love.

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