Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stuck in hearts love limbo/maze

For the last couple days i have been tring to figure out ONE simple question, 'is it time to move on and let go?'. This coming after i finally decide to go out with a new girl just to get out the house and havev some fun. Long Story short, there was some Guaranteed action available for me.... but i didnt take it. To me there was multiple reasons why i didnt do it, but non of them had anything to do with me or with the persistant female. All i could do is think about my ex, what she would say, how she would feel, and how it would affect use getting back together cause that my goal in the end. I still love my ex dearly, but i got needs to. I dont wanna add anymore partners to my list to have to tell her about in the future but who's to say she note adding chapters? Depriving myself of sex is a small price to pay to get her back.... but is it the right choice? is that to much respect for since we are not a couple, i have been called to sensitive cause im single but worried bout an ex but also to cute in the fact in still dedicated to someone who im tring to work things out with. These lonely night starting to add up and i would like to feel that need and warmth of a woman sometimes...i still wanna wait on her, but its not fair to me. Maybe i will just have 1 friend that is also not ready for another relationship but like the companionship of a nice guy. I dont know, but i need to escape this maze so i can find out what my future really holds.... Anybody got any suggestionson a way out?

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