Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Broken Hearts Dont sleep

The story of my summer.... Feels like the night time has become my enemy. Constantly fighting battling feeling of lonelyness, betrayal, heartbreak, and regret. When my eyes close, my heart takes over. Pumping all of the feeling into my mind. One night i HAD A RECORD 6 DIFFERENT NIGHTMARES, each one more real than the next. The worst was when i rolled over after one, thinking you would be their, only to find a flat pillow u slept with so i held that for a night. It was impossible for my body to rest under the stress of all thought of what I did wrong, and how could i fix it.... To bad even in my mind, i couldnt mend the wounds i caused. Never have I seen sooo many sun rises, felt so many tears fall,or so many bright stars in the night sky, but my shining star was still missing. A sense of peace would come over me as i closed my eyes as the cold wind blew. Then the shiver of the cold reality would soon change me back. I envy the night, so peaceful and calm with itself. While i feel as if im surrounded by the bands of the southern classic. The sun would bring fun, energy, and life that would just suck mines away. The light would be a perfect potion of all of the places, events, and moments that would take me back in time to my happier days that are now just figments of my imagination. It wouldnt be till my body gave out from lack of sleep & food that i would get a moments rest while i was to exhausted to dream about my star that gone. 'An idle mind will wonder' and mine has taken me to the moon and back repeatedly.

A lil all over the place, but now its off my mind. :)

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