Thursday, October 14, 2010

In loving memory of a dear friend..

We grew up inseparable, together all the time.
we worked together, Lived together,
smile together, cried together,
watched each other grow into adults.

Somewhere down the line things changed,
you started hanging with a different 'crew',
your values, actions, and personality changed.
you slowly started to drift away and soon you were out of my grasp.

Peer pressure, bordom, and influences one 2009 summer night,
exposed you to a deadly disease that turned out to be uncureable.
The parasite slowly began to take over and minipulate your mind,
and pretty soon u were complete under its control.

The closest people to you didnt even recognize you,
the ones who you loved couldnt tell u did anymore,
all we knew was that u were different and we didnt kno why.
It would all come to the light the next summer,1 year later.

I tried my best to save it,
tried everything in book to try to treat it.
Nothing worked, but lord knows i tried,
but u cant win them all.

To think i will never see you perform again,
never get to celebrate your birthday,
never go to another homecoming party,
or just be in each other presence like we use to be.

Curiosity killed the cat, is the best way to put it.
It killed my best friend, killed out dreams,
killed our future and almost killed me to.

It was unbelievable at first, but we all knew it was coming,
GOD took you alot sooner than expected,
but maybe it was for the better,
now i can remember u for what u were and not what u became.

Moving on is the hardest part, cause i never thought i would have to.
thought u would be around forever to tell the kids old stories bout our childhood, the hot tv shows, all the cool dances, and show pictures of our hair and clothes.

Not a day goes by that you dont cross my mind.
In the end i would give anything to have you back,
but could things ever be the same.... i dont know hard to say.
Would take alot of work but nothing good comes easy.

I hope this reaches you out there, where ever you are...
once u put something into cyber space aint no telling where it will go,
High in the sky or low underground,
it will never be as lost as i am without my bestfriend..

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! ....did I change or did we change? :(
