Thursday, September 23, 2010


There are about a million reason why I could tell you that I love this girl. Most importantly, nobody has ever mad me feel as important, needed, and loved as she has. I have spent and gave her my last, anything she wanted i would find a way to get, and the first, last and most frequent thought in my mind were about her. I loved seeing her everyday, kissing her everynight and doing it again everymorning. Everything i did was for her and to make her happy. I would have givin my life for her with a smile.
Now things are different.... for what reason I dont kno. What I did, i couldnt tell you. Feels like somebody died and i wanna go to so i can still be with them. Everything happens for a reason, so i say a prayer... "God grant me the serenity,to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference". Everyone says if it is meant to be then it will be, if you know in your heart u did all u could even if u messed up, then it will be alright cause u will be able to sleep at night with a clear heart. But as stated before in a blog Broken Hearts dont sleep. I hate the fact that she hates me now. Some say its just the frustrations of the mistakes made during the relationship. I we could only make it through this, we would be so much strong. Im down like the niggas on 300, but i cant win this fight solo.
In the end I lost this battle but ill win the war. If i was this happy with her, the woman i fall in love with to marry gonna be a GREAT feeling. If its her or not, GOD is in control and HE wont steer me wrong.

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