Monday, March 21, 2011

I try to play cool, Actin like what you do don't phase me,
Meanwhile I'm sittin at home, all alone, Tryin to keep myself from goin crazy
When I'm in the house, when I think about you being out, I want my baby back,
but once derailed, it is not that easy to get back on track
I thought it would be easy, but it's hard for me to let you go.

but instead u let me float away like a balloon,
i think on purpose so our connecttion could be as far away as the moon.
yet still in sight, for what might be a future or a distant memory.

10 months and not one drunk, angry, or depressed text about u missing what we had,
but then again why would u miss something u describe as being just so bad.

As sad as u described i made u for soooo long i wonder why u still even wanna be my friend. Maybe payback cause u kno i still love u and want u until my very last breathe, so u gonna make me gasp for each one till my time runs out. if u wanted to break me im HAMMER, if u wanted payback you bankrupted my heart, if u wanted to leave ur mark im internally branded, if u wanted a hero u found ur superman.

all this from a girl who likes me and saw a picture of my ex and said " damn, yall look like yall belong together, when yall hooking back up?" never hear somebody say that about anybody and i got a cold chill. to think all that was captured in a single picture taken by a stranger taken at an italian restaurant. guess thats why i had that one engraved into the dog tag...

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