Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years eve 2011

The end of the worst year of my life,
never had so much heartache and striff.
All from the people who i held dear,
girlfriends and roomates cut my throat from ear to ear.
My ego and trust in people thrown out the window,
never had i been so deceived by so many people.
Shame on me for falling in love with you,
when everyone always said it was to good to be tru.
Against the grain has always been the path i choose,
but that path led me down a dead end road.. Closed.
Getting back on track is not as easy as going in reverse,
the one way train of life doesnt allow u to back trach,just change course.
Traveling with my eyes closed i probably missed many opportunites,
waiting on the past to rewind and so i can rewrite history.
Who did i think he was, what kinda power did i think i had over my life,
why did i think i was special, what made me think my back was stronger than that knife.
This new year i will bring in alone.. just me in my zone.
Most people resolve to be nicer, well mines is gonna have to be the opposite. do for me and do for self, cant nobody make me happerier than me right>