Thursday, November 3, 2011

mind clearing moment

i havent seen u in over a yeah and still everyday u cross my mind,
im still living in the past cause i dont wanna leave u behind.
Prolly not till i meet another angel will these clouds move and let my light shine,
so until then imma stay got this money grind.
Get ma shit together so history doesn't repeat it self,
cause i refuse to lose another love cause of me searching for personal wealth.
i did alot wrong even tho it was unintentional and a miss understanding,
all i wanted to do is be their for u like, so much i became demanding,
controlling ur every action like u didnt have ur own feet for standing.
it wasnt to degrade you or make u feel inferior,
it was to let u kno above all other females u were their superior.
I thought the more i did, the more you'd love me,
when all u wanted was to be love by me, personally.
No gifts, no help, no advice, just be there for you,
But rest assured in future i will kno what to do.
Let you be you and discover your own lane,
cause for anybody to break free, you gotta let loosen the chain,
let them discover life, all the fun, the love, the heartache and the pain.
Even after everything i would still start over and do it all again.
I can tell from u voice u have no interest in going a second round,
but if u do and im single, dont hesitate to come back around.
i miss ur face, your voice and just having u around,
listening to all ur medical stories about ur lab compounds.
I could go on forever, telling u everything that i miss,
but imma rap this up, cause u may not even read this.
the thing i miss the most and its sad that i cant remember it,
are the soft sexy lips, and the dreams i saw when we kissed... shit

i STill love u kirby and that will never change,
ur initial still sits close to my heart where u will always remain...